Friday, August 3, 2012

Have you seen a Rattlesnake toxic before?

Snake Mexican Rattlesnakes

Rattlesnake one of the poisonous snakes in the Western Hemisphere. Have a bell in the back of its tail, it warns enemies Vtvsh her ​​way, however, do not occur Rattlesnake votes in some cases before Bograssha bites prey. Rattlesnakes and type of poisonous snakes. And there are about thirty species. She lives in places located between the south of Canada and Argentina, the largest number of which live in arid regions, the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. And found some species of which a large part of south America. It is easy to identify the Rattlesnake Bograssha group of pieces that are installed each cornea circle next to each other, in the last of the tail. When you walk Rattlesnake moving bells updated Cilgela votes. There are other types of non-toxic snakes that are often confused between them and the Rattlesnakes occur are other voices in the tail while walking on the grass, and leaves of the plant dry. But the outlook viewfinder for both types, we can identify each type of them. Valofy Rattlesnake tail always raises when they make it sound Alcilgel


  1. اللهم يامنتقم ياجبار ياخالق الليل والنهار سلط البلايين منها على الصهاينة اليهود وعلى الصليبيين تقتلهم قتلا فلا يستطيعون منها فرار ولا هربا اللهم امين اللهم امين اللهم امين

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